Global Fluency Training: Ohio Organizations Develop Preferred Provider Partnerships

December 19, 2018

By: Brad Gosche

As many corporations, agencies, and organizations across Ohio seek to bring more investment in the state, and as many Ohio businesses continue striving to be more competitive in markets, they often look beyond borders—not just Ohio’s borders, but more and more beyond national borders. With this increased connection to the wider global community, comes a strategic and required need to better work with, communicate with, and engage with people from diverse backgrounds, often incredibly different from one’s own.

CCWA’s Global Fluency Training (GFT) helps professionals identify, practice, and develop the skills, knowledge, and mindset for working effectively cross-culturally. Through the sessions, business professionals, educators, community members, and many others are challenged with scenarios, simulations, and activities that require them to push the boundaries of their comfort zone and better understand new ways to be effective in the global classrooms, businesses, and communities that they live and work in.

CCWA & GFT has recently established several long-term partnerships with organizations and agencies across Ohio, who recognized the importance of developing cross-culturally competent leaders, working to invest in and bring economic development to Ohio.

Not only does CCWA offer the GFT training to business, agencies, and organizations, but CCWA has created an Educator specific training, providing educators with the tools needed to leverage the ever-evolving global nature of their classrooms. Educators walk away with a tool kit of strategies, knew knowledge, and ideas for highlighting the various cultures in their classrooms to enhance all students’ learning experiences. 

The GFT continues to soar beyond Columbus, as more and more professionals see the need for this sort of training to better position themselves to be globally competitive. Not only has CCWA trained professionals throughout Ohio, the training has also become an in-demand, national product that has reached both coasts and all corners of the country. Reliably delivering a high-quality program, CCWA has now trained more than 2000 professionals while consistently maintaining a 97% recommendation rating. Even better, all of the profits from this service come back to CCWA to help support and expand the growth of the Global Scholars Diploma—CCWA’s mission-driving program, providing high school students with global skills that prepare them for the world beyond their high school walls and make them more competitive when entering the workforce.

If your school, company, or organization would like more information about Global Fluency Training, please contact Brad Gosche, Vice President, Education & Communications and Lead Certified Trainer.